
This website's design is based on "Headquarters" by Free CSS Templates. The Wordpress-based blog uses a theme that combines "Headquarters" with the discontinued theme called "Basic," by Ron “eclip5e” Adams, ( The photo used in the background is my own: the image is of the Atlantic Ocean and was photographed at Acadia National Park in Maine in August 2004.


This website's privacy policy is simple: does NOT collect, store, or share personally identifiable information about users. Should you contact me, I will keep your comments in confidence and will not share or sell your name with any third parties.

This website does subscribe to services such as Google Analytics, however, in order to better build this website for the technology available to users. Google Analytics does NOT make available any personally identifiable information (such as name, email, or IP address); instead, it agregates and reports only such data as the typical operating system, browser, and language of users.

I will answer and address any privacy questions or concerns upon request.